The Love that Alleviates

I will open with the fact that there is a lot of talk in our country lately about unity, or unifying the people, mainly the political parties.

To have unity we must have love, so unless we as a country get back to seeking God, unity is just an ideal. Ideals are actually the root cause of what’s the matter in our society today; with social media, everybody seems to have a voice and much of that voice is causing our division.

God gives us some very sound advice in Romans 12:16-18, “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceded. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Amen!

Unless we are in tune with the Holy Spirit and following the Words of God, all of our ideals and opinions are wrong.

I have a saying, “opinions are like hindquarters, everybody has one!” All the opinions of man are no match for one word from God! Amen!

It seems social media is a good place for all the speck finders in our society, they fail to realize that they have a plank in their own vision that keeps them from seeing the power of love as it pertains to unity.

Love must be at the base of our ideals and vision if we truly have a desire to alleviate the division that is so rampant in our nation.

Love unifies vision; Jesus said to love one another 100 times in the New Testament alone, I am sure He had a reason for repeating Himself.

Loving one another attaches us to Him and prepares an opening in us to receive people just as He does.

We, as He does, must lead with grace to have a chance at unity.

God spoke to my heart something I would like to share with you, please open your heart as well: “Love is here, Love is near, Love’s in place, Love’s in My grace. Grace is good, grace is good, it is My Grace that needs understood.”

When we talk about unity we must talk about love, and when we talk about love we must talk about grace.

Grace is the unmerited love and favor from God that is the source of all the benefits we receive from Him.

Grace gives us the ability to refrain from sin.  Refraining from sin would certainly help with unity, don’t you think?

When we as a nation placed “In God we trust” on our money that was a faith statement.

In 1955, (which is actually not that long ago), President Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill into law that the inscription “In God we trust” would appear on all paper and coin currency.

Both political parties had the “unified” consensus and one even said, “Nothing can be more certain than that our country was founded in a spiritual atmosphere and with a firm trust in God.” WOW!

In those days our country’s freedoms were being attacked and placing, “In God we trust” on our currency gave us a constant reminder that our nation’s political and economic fortunes were tied to its spiritual faith. “Wait, what?”

Just three years later, by an act of Congress in 1957, “In God we trust” was made to be the official national motto.

I have a very obvious question at this point. What Happened?

Did opinion and greed override faith and trust? Did man’s ideas and lust for power override the provision and trust in God?

You see I believe the Bible that says, “God is Love”, and I also believe that if we inscribe this on our hearts, we can have unity.

Unity based on this would give all of us, peace of mind, grace and patience with others, and a grand vision that would catapult us into a common bond of truly trusting in God.

Without the love of God in our hearts, we have no chance of loving one another, and that would mean no chance at unity.

Let’s start a new movement in our sphere of influence today.  Let’s look inside ourselves and purging all the divisive ideals and ungodly influence that is keeping us from receiving the love of God because God’s love would lead us to a unified society. Amen!

Remember that sin word we mentioned earlier?  In 1 John 1:9 God gave us a remedy for that, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

We can have unity in our community, state, and country when we decide to unify ourselves with God’s plan of redemption. Here is that plan “Believe in His Son Jesus Christ and love one another”, it is that profound, but also that easy.

Only 66 years ago our congress was so unified that it made God and faith in God the base of our power and authority as a country, have we lost some of that power today?

We need to get back to God if we are ever going to have unity and have a grafting in of different branches of people to form a perfect tree. Amen!

Love that alleviates comes from a desire to become a lifeline to anyone around you that is hurting.  Leaving people alone or behind cannot alleviate the affliction that God so wants to heal.

Let’s let God heal our land! Let’s help God heal our land.  You see, unity is simple for those who are willing to “walk by faith” and “walk in love.”

Behold, it is good and pleasant when we walk together in unity, for there (in unity) God commands the blessing! Psalm 133:1-3 paraphrased.

If you need a faith boost today, please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.

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Scripture of encouragement and content, Romans 12:16-18, Matthew 7:3-5, Titus 2:11-12, Psalm 91:2, 1 John 4:7-11, 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 4:16, Romans 11:17-21, and Ephesians 5:1-2, “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Amen!

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