Come All Ye Faithful!

What a beautiful Christmas song, calling us to joyful and triumphant faithfulness, and an adoration of our newborn King.

Not just any king, but the baby that was born King of kings!

I love the scripture in Revelations 19:16, “On His robe and on His thigh, He has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords”.

When we talk about triumphant faithfulness we should first consider the faithfulness of Jesus. Then we can look at our challenge to be the kings He is King over. Amen!

To determine Jesus’ faithfulness, it all starts in Luke Chapter 2 of the Holy Bible, the scriptures about the birth of our newborn King. It goes as follows:  “At the time of His birth, an angel of the Lord came upon the shepherds who were out in the field, and the glory of the Lord shown round about them. And the angel said to them, “I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people”. This is the moment, the opportunity for us to walk in joyful expectation, and it started out with great joy!

Verse 11 of Luke Chapter 2 says, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord”.

Jesus was born to be our faithfulness; He was born the loyal and steadfast deliverer of a longing and lost people. Amen!

He fulfilled His faithfulness to His Father and to all mankind, by shedding His blood on a cross for our permanent atonement, as long as we call on Him out of a pure heart.

He was and is, “The Christ”, and all people are not only called to adore Him as in the Christmas song, but we are also implored to believe in Him, by Him. Selah!

Jesus wants us with Him so much that He shed His blood to allow us an opportunity to be faithful to Him. This opportunity requires a great faithfulness, not just a passing acknowledgment.

Jesus gave us an inner passion to follow Him, to take Him at His word. He left us the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us find our path and stay close to, “The Way”.

Jesus came as the Light from the beginning as we read in Luke Chapter 2 verse 32, “A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory to thy people Israel”.

As we look to Jesus as our light, our way is not difficult to find, but we must remain in the Light to stay on the path.

When we refuse the Light on any topic or decision we face in life, then the only thing left is darkness. This darkness leads us into fear, and fear will paralyze our faith and our ability to be faithful.

We must remain true to the light we know to remain in the faithfulness that is Jesus Christ, the faithful and true Lord and Savior; there is not even a shadow in Him let alone darkness. Amen!

James 1:16-18 says, “My dear brothers and sisters don’t let anyone fool you. Every good and perfect gift is from God. This kind of gift comes down from the Father who created the heavenly lights; these lights create shadows that move. But the Father does not change like these shadows. God chose to give us new birth through the message of truth. He wanted us to be the first harvest of His new creation”.  Amen!

Let’s ponder these verses for a minute… So God, the giver of every perfect gift, which was created in the heavenly light, gives us new birth through the message of truth so that we can be with Him as a new creation. Astounding!

In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus made the way; glory to God, Jesus made our way!

We humans always want a roadmap before we go on a journey; I am exclaiming right now that, “The Bible is our roadmap to the heavenly Light, our roadmap to all the gifts and promises of God”.

MapQuest Jesus. He is the way!  Follow Jesus faithfully, and don’t waver from the truth about the Christ.  Jesus is the Way.

Our challenge from Jesus Christ is to remain faithful to our belief in Him, to trust in Him, to obey Him, and yes to adore Him.  O come all ye faithful, come and behold Him, come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!

If you need a faith boost today, please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.

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Scriptures of encouragement and content: Luke chapter 2, Revelation 19: 11-16, 1Timothy 6:15-16, Revelation 1:5, and Hebrews 10:23, Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.