So what are we battling in a doubt bout? How can we strengthen our chances of winning?
Understanding our foe is the first point of business, doubt first off calls the truth into question, and then it steals our confidence, ending in full-blown fear.
Yes, our doubts about a given situation that we are facing can quickly turn into an anxious concern, filled with alarm if we continue into the fear associated with our doubt.
Our foe can’t be trusted, but our heart can, as we look at the verb form of trust we see an association with believe, which is to hope or expect confidently.
Trust can become dependent on a future happening and impose a charge on our faith. We must charge or actually put a demand on our faith and this establishes the force for which to defeat our foe, doubt.
We establish a foundation for our confrontation with what is usually the unknown or the overblown force associated with our doubt, and we must ask ourselves why are we doubting and what is our doubt based on. You see doubt is not baseless just as faith is not baseless, but with faith in the Word of God, we can joust from a firm foundation.
When we try to beat doubt with our mind we become disengaged with our faith, our mind can only process what information it is given, and then it will distinguish what to trust or what to doubt by the information it is fed by our physical senses. When we feed our minds more than we feed our hearts or our spirits we leave an opening to doubts and fears, and we willingly give into our mind that is full of what we have allowed in.
All information produces after its own kind, if we look at failure, darkness, and defeat all the time we will walk in doubt and unbelief. But when we tune our hearts and spirits to seeing what God has promised us in His Word and start applying it to our situations, doubt gets out.
When we see a different scene in our future, our doubts turn into hope, and faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). When we change who we’re looking to we will then experience what Jesus said in John 16:13 “when He the Spirit of truth comes He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will show you what’s yet to come”. Amen!
How can we see into the future of our situations if faith is the substance of the evidence not seen? By placing a demand on our inner man and by allowing what Jesus speaks to be our guide, we walk in our future a “now” at a time! Because “now” faith is. Now, in Webster’s dictionary is defined as; a time immediately before the present and a time immediately to follow.
Wait, what? Now faith is, is immediately before the present and immediately following? Then we can live in or more likely visit that brief unseen moment called now!
When we live and walk in the Holy Spirit now moment there is no doubt, none. Our mind can’t engage in the “now” moment because it is not in the natural understanding realm.
We are truly more than conquerors in the realm of the Spirit and that is where doubt melts away.
At this point, we are not only winning rounds but we are winning the bout. You see, we really are spirits, we live in a body, and we have a soul. Amen!
When our spirit is engaged and we line up our believing to this “hole” (which is an unfilled space) this “now” moment that is in-between, immediately before and immediately following, we can really do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Amen!
At that moment we are momentarily mindless so there is no place for doubt, we are unable to doubt while in the spiritual place of our Lord and Savior. In this unfilled space, there are no negative forces because it is a God hallowed, consecrated space that can only be entered into by faith.
I am not sure if we can live in this “now” moment but I am confident that we can spend time there, now.
We can get so Word of God-focused that our spirit is stronger than our mind and we enter into Godly wisdom which as stated in Proverbs 8:12, “I wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion, verse 14, “Counsel and sound judgement are mine; I have insight, I have power” 17, “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. 18, “With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.”
All of these powers and qualities are in and with wisdom, I believe wisdom can be found in the “now” moment, and in the “now” moment doubt must get out or I should say, “doubt is crowded out, by faith.
If you need a faith boost today, please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.
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Scriptures of content and encouragement: Proverbs 4:20-23,
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NLT, John 16:13-15, Proverbs 8:12-21, and James 1:5-8 TPT, “And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and He will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but He will overwhelm your failures with His generous grace. Just make sure you ask empowered by confident faith without doubting that you will receive. For the ambivalent person believes one minute and doubts the next. Being undecided makes you become like the rough seas driven and tossed by the wind. You’re up one minute and down the next. When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you’re in that condition?” Amen!