Overcoming Threats and Entering into Spiritual Rest

What do you feel is the biggest threat to your personal security today?

As we look at all the news sites and are flooded with social media posts, what causes you to feel lack of control?

Is it financial insecurity, social insecurity, stressed relationships, or just fear to move about as normal?  These burdens, and more, threaten to highjack our thoughts drawing us into the realm of fear and unbelief. 

Why unbelief? Because when we doubt the ability of our inner man, the man of the heart, and the leading that is provided by the Spirit, we become overwhelmed by the thoughts and fears that surround us.

As we feel more and more threatened by a pandemic, a riot, or a financial collapse, I must ask a question. Who or what is your source of strength, your grounding rod, your rock?

“Whoever or whatever you look to when you need something, that’s your source.”

Where we look and where we place our trust is of huge significance in defining our level of fear. You see, threats cause fear and, fear causes insecurities.

Fear can paralyze us spiritually and we immediately start associating loss with our current situation.

Have you ever had to overcome a fear? Like the first day of school, or the first day on a new job? 

The thought process for fear is the same in many different cases, the association of failure, or the thought of the unknown spiraling out of our control. These situations are almost always over thought, and the outcome is never as bad as the picture that our unbelief paints.

Why unbelief you ask?   Our doubting our strength, our doubting our experiences allows anxiety to cause our apprehension and fear; these fears are tied directly to our source.

If we can quickly identify the insecurity and fear, we can immediately look to the Spirit of God, who is the greatest overcoming Source we can find. He will cause peace to come over you, that you can’t understand, and even though you don’t understand it His peace gives you the feeling of security and care, security that will guard your heart and your mind, in Christ Jesus.

When we enter into the realm of our inner man, the man of our heart, we find our deep-seated beliefs and when we find this inner man, peace prevails.

Jesus’ guardianship eliminates the threat and allows us to see that we are well able to make it past our insecurities and yes, enter into rest. This rest is not the feeling of napping on the couch (although that works at times), this is soul peace that comes into your heart and your mind, and lets you know that “you got this”.

Although not relying on your own strength and power but leaning into the Comforter, the Helper, the Spirit that Jesus left for us to abide in.

What a great sense of coming over your fears and entering into a restful condition, a condition that is not based on the threats surrounding you, the threats at this point become as white noise.

They don’t move you or even worse they don’t control your thoughts or how you respond to your surroundings. But you go from feeling threatened to entering into rest, what a stark contrast we have when we make “God our Source”.

“Today is your day, take it!” Take the threat, shake it, toss it, and throw it behind you, your rest is straight ahead.

Helpful scriptures are; Psalm 34:5-6, John 16:33, 2 Peter 1:2-3, Isaiah 26:3.  2 Timothy 1:7  states in the Passion Translation of the Bible “For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control. Amen! May God richly bless you.

If you’re missing anything in your life today, rest in Him!

If you need a faith boost today, please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.

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