Dear Missy for January 2021

Luke 6:19, “And all the multitude was seeking to touch Jesus, for healing power was all the while going forth from Him and curing them all (saving them from severe illness and calamities).”

Dear Missy, seeking Jesus is our greatest journey in this life and as we find Him, He meets our needs in all areas of our life. On the above day healing was present and as we seek healing, He supplies healing.

I love you, Daddy

Luke 24:49, “And behold, I will send forth upon you what my Father has promised; but remain in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”

Dear Missy, we will be clothed with the Holy Spirit, and be allowed a heaven on earth experience. We need to align our faith with God’s word and the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon us.

I love you, Daddy

Daniel 11:3, “Then a mighty King will rise to power who will rule a vast Kingdom and accomplish everything he sets out to do.”

Dear Missy, with God, all things are possible and through His Son Jesus we accomplish and are prosperous at everything we put our hand to.

I love you, Daddy

Amos 5:9, “With blinding speed and power He destroys the strong, crushing all their defenses.”

Dear Missy, the power of God is stronger, faster, and bigger than any power on earth. Stay close to Him and you will prevail over anything.

I love you, Daddy

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