Grief, Don’t Be Distressed

Grief is suffering a loss or experiencing an unfortunate outcome. What we do next has everything to do with our ability to process the sadness we feel.  Our choice of what we dwell on will be of huge significance in overcoming grief.

Grief by definition is not disabling, although it is distressing, disabling would make us inoperative where distressing would cause high anxiety and even sorrow.

What we choose to dwell on in our grieving situation has to be changed into a magnification.  What we magnify must be God, by magnifying God we make Him bigger than our anxiety and bigger than our pain. Amen!

Come magnify the Lord with me, exalt and extol Him; before and after my Mother’s funeral, God led me to have the song, “I exalt Thee” sang at my mom’s funeral, it was a favorite of hers but was also strong in my heart. It was a yearning in me to make God bigger than the situation! Amen!

By exalting the Lord it changed the entire atmosphere for me and led me on a path of grateful recovery. God started showing me that He was with me throughout the suffering that my Mother and I were experiencing, (her leading up to her death) and (me now).

God removed the barrier of sorrow and fear and replaced it with restoration and hope. Faith must be involved to totally abandon fear; you see faith replaces the fear. Amen!

As I put the magnifying glass on His Word and on His character, He became the biggest part of my healing process. When God’s grace appeared then Jesus was present to guide me into hope and into His living presence that heals and restores, everybody, every time.

People taken from us suddenly or by a process of time, always leave an open wound and our job is to salve the wound not magnify the wound. By exalting God to His place of honor which is above every other place and situation, we magnify the solution and get our minds off of the situation. We allow God engagement into our deep-seated emotions and by His guidance, our instability becomes changed into control.

We gain control of our mind and by this control we allow God to reel us into His love and care. His Word is all the time fishing for people, people that will speak magnifying words of faith right in the middle of all the adversity our distress is causing.

Billy Graham once said, “The ability to rejoice in any situation is a sign of spiritual maturity”. Amen! This spiritual maturity comes on us when we magnify God over our fear and anxiety. Before we know it God is using people to comfort us, allowing our healing process to begin. We go from faith to faith; we meditate on all the good things and quit magnifying our feeling of loss and distress. Loss is an emptiness felt as well as a physical missing of a cherished loved one.

We can then start magnifying the place in our hearts that this person captured, we can start exalting God for the blessing they were to us, we can truly process our love, and that love does not dwell on the magnification of the loss.

With God, we are always gaining on the victory set out before us! Amen! He has set us on a path of freedom from bondage again to fear, you see fear always causes torment, but by the grace of God we press on towards the triumph we have in Christ and the manifestation of the sweet aroma that knowing Him brings.

God is our very present help in time of need, every time I look to God, I see Him helping me! Amen!

I asked God to give me another blog on Grief Support to help you and me, and He gave me this one. So come magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together!

If you need a faith boost today please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.

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Scriptures of encouragement and content; Psalm 34:1-3, Colossians 1:27, Acts 27:25, Romans 1:16-17, 1 Corinthians 15:57, 2 Corinthians 2:14, and Psalm 46:1, DBT: “God is our refuge and strength, a help in distresses, very readily found”. Amen!

Take Some Word and Hold Your Ground

If we ever want to move the mountain that is blocking our progress, if we are ever going to advance around or through it, we must hold onto the ground we have taken and continue to move, up and forward.

The word of God places us in a mountain-moving position, a position of victory, and our enlightened spiritual condition improves our stamina and holding power. Amen!

Strengthening our position sometimes requires overcoming a very strong headwind. Once I witnessed a flock of birds trying to fly against a strong wind that had kicked up, what I noticed was, some fought and fought against the wind and made it to a billboard on the side of the road. They found a resting place while others were swept away by the wind, hopefully not to their demise.

What was revealed to me out of this occurrence was that as we become stronger in our belief in the word of God, we take more and more ground, we hold our place by fighting the good fight of faith, then we fight on to arrive at a temporary resting place. The keyword is temporary; we have weathered the current storm by taking some Word and holding our ground. Amen!

As we continue our plight we must examine our resting places, analyze the steps that allowed our strengthening, and continue to prepare for our next, wind, or mountain.

We take control of our thinking by renewing our minds daily, looking deeply into the mysteries of God, His plan that was previously hidden but is now made plain to us in the word of God.

Holding our ground by faith, not what our eye has seen, not what our ear has heard, not even what we have imagined, but what our heart has gravitated towards, the pull of Love. Amen!

This grounding love is found in God’s word, His love story to and for us, His victorious plan for us, His mountain-moving, wind ceasing, water walking, we can do this by faith because it’s in my heart story. Amen!

The love of God has in it our holding power, we take hold of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, we stand on His promises, we say what He says about our situations, we take Him at His word, and we dig in and hold our ground. 

God is an earth-shaking, like a mighty wave breaking, gale-force wind blowing, mighty love bestowing, wonderful, peaceful, quiet voice that takes reverence to hear, King of King’s who is my Rock!

How do all of these mighty and quickening powers come on us? By taking some of God’s Holy words and holding our ground.

I read a quote from another faith minister that went like this; “If you knew what was on the other side of your mountain, you would move it”. Mountain moving faith comes by taking a little ground and holding onto it, taking a little more ground and holding onto it, then remembering the Word that is holding you in place and stepping out on it.

Faith is the grounding place that is right smack dab in the middle of; “life is hard and God is good”.  So faith is the substance that keeps us grounded! Amen!

I am going to release to you the greatest power that is available in the world today; “the power of choice”. The power of choice, by faith, is not a decision deducted from the facts around us, faith is not an instinct and it’s certainly not a feeling. Amen!

Faith is a choice, taking the word of God and believing it is the first step in holding your ground, the more ground you take the greater your revelation becomes, at this point the mountains seem to shrink. As you step towards the mountain you must maintain your foothold which is keeping one foot on faith and one foot on love. Amen!

God spoke that to my heart when I first started out on my faith journey, it always seems to be my launching pad as well as my grounding rod. “Keep one foot on faith and one foot on love”.

So I ask you today to keep one foot on faith (you believing you receive) and one foot on love (God’s Word).

Take some love and hold onto your faith! The same as take some Word and hold your ground.

If you need a faith boost today please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.

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Scriptures of encouragement and content; Hebrews 3:14, 2 Timothy 4:7, James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:8-9, 1 Corinthians 2:16, John 1:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:8, and Ephesians 6:14-17, “Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness, For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”.

“What I Said to You, I Say to Everyone, Watch”

What you are watching for has everything to do with your spiritual wellbeing. 

Your expectations will fuel your desire to look closely at your surroundings and situations. If the burglar is already in your bedroom in the middle of the night, it is too late to lock the door.

Although just locking a door or even adding a deadbolt for greater security and holding power will not keep the strongman out, you must also set a watch around your heart. Amen!

We as people must advance in the ability to look inside ourselves, get in tune with the candle of the Lord, which is the spirit of man. That light or fire that God is, and is burning in man controls the very fulfillment of our lives.

We must set a watch or watchman at the entrance to our conscience, guarding against the enemy of our soul (the wicked one). Our conscience can only lead us if we keep it clear, clear from the cares that try to overcome us, clear from the thoughts that lead to bad choices, and clear from all uncertainty.

If we are not awake when the thief breaks in, we will not be able to respond quickly enough to avenge ourselves. It is too late to train in self-defense; we are emerged in a fight we are unprepared to fight.

While in this position, who else in the house will be overtaken because we chose to leave our door unlocked. We chose to be lead astray by the luring of, the lustful eye, and the pride of being who we want to be instead of being who we were created to be.

The subtlety of our wrong choices leads us to believe the lies of the world like; you can have the American dream, you can be whatever you want to be, or you can live your life the way you please. These are all untrue and lead to a wide-open house, you don’t have to worry about locking the door, your whole house is vulnerable.

If you knew the day and hour of the break-in, I am sure you would have been awake, guarding the door, walking the perimeter, armed, and ready.

We as people would never purposely allow this total burglarizing, allowing ourselves and others in our family to be put into a penetrable position, asleep, unarmed, and spiritually dulled down.

We must remain watchful at all times, we must keep our spiritual ears open at all times, and we must guard our heart at all times, because you see, not only does the thief come unexpectedly, but Jesus said He is coming back the same way, “as a thief in the night”, at an unexpected hour.

What hour are we living in, are we keeping track of time, what time is it? At 2 am we have a different level of fear than we do at 2 pm, when we hear a loud noise. Why? The difference is the “Light”, we must walk in the Light and remain in the Light. Amen!

Guard your heart against all darkness, set a guard around the light you have inside, by trusting in The Word of God and locking out fear and unbelief. Keep a watch on your mouth, take all negative thoughts captive, and renew your mind with The Word of God. Amen!

The Bible is God’s prophesies about life leading up to Jesus Christ, the life of Jesus Christ, and our life by choosing Jesus Christ. Do you know Him? He knows and loves you!

God said in Matthew 17:5, “this is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him”. Jesus said in Mark 13:37, “I say to you what I say to everyone; watch for Him”. Listen and watch, expect and exhort, hear and receive, believe, and love.

You see, it is too late to stop the thief or the strongman when he is already in your bedroom; you need to stop him at the door, the door of your heart. So guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus, be alert through Christ’s power and protection, place a watchman to control what enters in, and especially what dwells in you.

What we say and do, and who we become is the result of how much darkness or light we have allowed in our heart, we need to put on the whole armor of God to have a withstanding heart.

So put on God’s full armor and be watchful, to keep ourselves in a constant state of readiness.

I was at a church service one time when a little lady stood up and belted out, “you don’t have time to get ready, you have to be ready”. Amen!

Let’s all live with enthusiasm and eagerness to stay alert and spiritually active, always on the watch and ready.

“Don’t be taken by surprise, or be surprised to be taken”. We need to live a humble, open, forgiving life, doing what God said “listening to Jesus”, and doing what Jesus said “Watching”.

As we put on the full armor of God, we will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against, principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand. Stand therefore! Ephesians 6:11-14.

Jesus said, “behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him”.

Do you know who is at the door? Open up the door to Jesus and lockout the wicked one!

Our best days are ahead of us!

If you need a faith boost today please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.

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Scriptures of encouragement and content.

Mark 13:37, Proverbs 20:27, Ephesians 5:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, Philippians 4:7, Ephesians 6:11-18, Revelation 3:20, and 1 John 1:5-7, “This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all. So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are not practicing the truth. But if we are living in the light as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin”.

Vision – The Spiritual Gauge

What kind of vision is our nation producing for us today? Can we trust the vision that we see being produced is the culmination of the nation’s strategies producing in us an uplifting vision?

We have many spiritual openings available for us to take; paths that lead to a desired destiny, our preferred destiny would most often be in stark contrast to the “way of the world”.

Our spiritual destination will be the end result of our vision. Amen!

We need to walk on a level path, a straightway, a smooth course, to end up at a spiritual destination allowing us a high measure on our vision gauge. As we utilize our measure of faith, it will produce in us a vision of a destination that is worth waiting for and then arriving at.

All of us remember a trip that sticks out in our minds and causes us excitement when we think about returning there. We get an immediate picture in our mind of the good we experienced at that spot. That picture or vision produces a desire in our heart to return to that spot, a longing to re-visit, not only to re-visit the destination but also to re-visit the satisfaction and fulfillment we associate with it. Our inner man longs for the emotional and spiritual attachment that was formed there.

Let God send you a postcard of His favorite place for you, it is in your future, it is postmarked and stamped by His Son Jesus. God sees you, in Him! Amen!

What vision do you have in your life right now that is causing you to become emotionally and spiritually stable? Stability should be another high measure on your spiritual gauge, not being moved by every option coming at you, but remaining constant and steadfast, smoothly moving towards your vision. 

You see vision is the heart gauge that is raised by a connection to God.  By having a vision of victory through His Son Jesus we can live a fulfilled life. Don’t let all the di-visions around you keep you from your God-ordained destination. Our spirits actually long for and are only settled by the internal and external gauge of Grace!

When we are shown grace we have a feeling of provision, we sense a destination that is filled with all things necessary to fulfill our vision, at this point our spiritual gauge is spiked at freedom! Amen!

In our nation, we need to remain thankful for our constitutional rights, but our main purpose is to pursue a Godly vision that leads to a heavenly destination.  Our spiritual rights allow our arrival into a majestic lifestyle, with a glorious King, that produces for us an eternal vision that sends our spiritual gauge off the charts.

What is your gauge set on today? Increase your Bible time and watch your gauge rise higher and higher, like an edifice, until we all reach the fullness of our vision and arrive at our God-ordained destination, our spiritual home.

God has a spot reserved for you! See you there!

If you need a faith boost today please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.

If you liked this content, please consider signing up for my newsletter to receive emails directly.

Scriptures of encouragement and content.

Numbers 12:6, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 12:3, Romans 1:11, Hebrews 3:14, Jude 20, and

2 Corinthians 3:17-18 “For the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord-who is the Spirit-makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image.”