Can I Get a Witness?

While walking through our life at times we are drawn to people, places, and things, mostly by sight and feelings.

We respond to things much the same way as our parents or elders taught us to respond, either by rule or example.

I was raised in the 1st Assembly of God church, so I always believed that Jesus died on the cross, He rose from the dead, and that He is coming again. Amen!

It took some forty-plus years until I really realized this Truth for myself. I “got me” a Witness! I received inside of myself a co-unifying unction that made all of the truths I heard in church and read in the Bible become real to me.

The unction gave me fervor to pursue the Witness that allowed me to make right choices regarding spiritual and natural decisions.

As we cultivate and yield to this Witness, “Murphy’s law” no longer has place in our lives or our decisions. We start making the right choices in regards to our finances, places we go, and things we desire.

We have put a different law in place and by abiding in the Word of God we start working with the Co-Witness who is always seeking to guide us in the right direction. 

As we continue to look to God’s Word we have the opportunity to get life right, because the Witness unifies the Word of the Christ and co-witnesses with our spirit. Amen!

The greatest part about this Witness is that He doesn’t push you into making decisions; He guides you so that when you follow Him “Murphy’s law” can’t get on you.

The more we look to the Word of God, the more familiar the Witness becomes.  You see He illuminates what God has for us to walk in and become. That is when the law of sin and death becomes null and void in your life because you identified with the Holy Witness, the right Witness, and good outcomes are fulfilled in your destiny.

When we are guided by the Witness we know which path to take, which job to take, which church to attend, or which friends to become united to. Our choices must be driven by a co-witnessing with the Spirit of God to have the proper eternal outcomes.

Choices we make today may only look temporary or easily changed, but sometimes that is not the case and without the Co-Witness, we can make choices that derail us not only in the immediate future but also can have eternal ramifications! Selah!

Too many decisions we make in life are guided by our own persuasion, or by co-persuading with one another, not a good witness. We are commanded to love one another not persuade one another.

Many times we go against or ignore the Co-Witness, who was placed in us by God at our birth and more importantly at our re-birth. Amen!

As created beings, we have a component of God in us even before we are in our mother’s womb. But when we, with a choice and will, look to God and believe in His Son Jesus choose to make Jesus the Lord of our lives; we are infused with the Co-Witness. Amen!

A spiritual infusion that when nurtured becomes the greatest Co-Witness available.  Unfailing, unwavering, unable to error, and “Lord help me Jesus”, can I get a witness?!

When we yield to and understand, the Co-Witness, we realize the right choices to make, whether large or small.  Small being the choice of two different routes to take or helping the guy on the corner or not.  Large being who to marry or where to live.

With the Co-Witness you receive a balance between do and don’t do.  Amen!  A warm fuzzy feeling- do.  A check or an uneasy feeling- don’t do.

A check is an inner disturbance that can cause you to feel uneasy about a decision, people, or a choice to be made. It can actually have a physical effect on you like rubbing against the grain of sandpaper, or an emery board, an inner rubbing the wrong way, if you will.

To always follow the right witness we need to be in the right atmosphere, with the right people, have encouraging friends, and of course, we must wait on the Co-Witness.

This is where we separate the “men from the boys”, “the women from the girls”. The Co-Witness will lead and guide you at the proper time, and that is usually not your time.

Patience is a Biblical word and it is not adverse in any way, because when patience has its perfect work, you are complete, lacking nothing. Amen! James 1:3-4

We can be completely convinced that what we are doing – is the right thing, where we are living – is the right place, who we associate with – are the right people.  Because the Co-Witness is the unifier of our hearts and minds and He gives us a knowing that we are in our rightful place!

So instead of enlisting the opinions from all those around us, and watching how the world reacts, or doing things by rote and rule, let us change our call out to be, “Can I Get a Witness”?

If you need a faith boost today, leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.

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Scriptures of content and encouragement: Romans 8:16, 2 Corinthians 5:15, 1 Corinthians 15:12-26, Ephesians 4:1-6, Romans 8:2-6, Ecclesiastes 3:11-15, John 13:34, Jeremiah 1:5, James 1:3-4, 1 John 2:20, and Philippians 2:1-2, “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy. Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.”

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