As we search deeply into what we are really seeing, as we look past what is just taking up space around us, we see the things that really affect our faith.
What we are giving the most attention to will definitely rise to the forefront of our seeing, and what we meditate on will become our focus of direction and translate into faith.
When we focus on God’s written Word it causes our doubts and unbelief to be changed into faith and gives us a foundation that leads to inner proof.
Proof leads us into a list of action words that become a part of our spiritual life and they include: Faith- what I believe about the Word of God and will hold onto. Trust- what I have experienced in the Word of God and what I believe about His character. And, Witness- a confirming, a guide, an assurance, and a revealer of the truth verified. Amen!
Revelations increase faith, praying in the Spirit increases faith, hearing from God through His word and receiving confirmations assures us that our faith is working and the Witness is real.
As we have more and more experiences in the realm of faith we can start basing our life choices on these experiences and stop many of the bad choices that we have made in the past.
Our character becomes the controlling factor in our decisions and as we listen to that inner man we will always be in the right place at the right time.
When we put our trust in God and His Word, we allow our character a better path and we get a holy or pure Witness.
Having an inner cleansing allows us to make life choices based on the consciousness of a pointed or guided direction. To stay on a course of Godly character we must take in the Word of God, give it place, and allow the Word of God to transfer to faith!
How again would the Word of God transfer to faith? By hearing, by meditating on, by applying, and by making changes to what we believe when the Witness shows us the truth of the Word.
The transfer takes place because of an openness to receive the truth, and a willingness to receive the truth as written, then an open heart to align ourselves with that truth.
We let our faith that realized the truth, align our character to the newfound understanding of God’s word.
We immediately put it into practice, because faith realized without a quick implementation becomes unbelief very quickly.
We must apply our heart and mind to receive the Word of Truth and believe that God had us in mind when He breathed the scriptures into an understandable solution for a devolving world. Amen!
When we are open to and willing to allow God’s word first place in our lives, He then sends the Witness, and the Witness, or Holy Spirit will guide us into all the truth. He makes a way for the Word of God to transfer into faith.
At this point we truly “walk by faith” because faith is the foundation of our character; we develop into a strong and courageous disciple of faith.
A disciple is someone who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrine of Another. Let’s spread the doctrine of Truth which is the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Amen!
If you need a faith boost today, please leave a comment and I will prayerfully respond.
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Scriptures of content and encouragement: 2 Corinthians 4:18, Galatians 2:20, James 1:18, Colossians 3:17, Matthew 28:19-20, and Romans 1:17 TPT, “The Gospel unveils a continual revelation of God’s righteousness-a perfect righteousness given to us when we believe. And it moves us from receiving life through faith, to the power of living by faith. This is what the scripture means when it says: we are right with God through life-giving faith!” Amen!